Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE
A simple definition of well-informed in Merrian Websters dictionary of is:
- having a lot of knowledge about current topics, a particular situation, etc.
- based on fact
A simple definition disinformation in Merrian Websters dictionary of is:
- false information that is given to people in order to make them believe something or to hide the truth.
Most of us like to be well-informed. It is almost impossible for a person to be well informed about a subject that they are casually interested in when President Obama and his administration control the information. It does not matter what the subject is.
The traditional mainstream media led by the New York Times picks up on the administration’s press releases. The traditional mainstream media then pretends to help us become well-informed citizens.
The problem is we are feed disinformation and have the truth hidden from view.
The First Amendment protects Americans. Students of an issue can see through the disinformation. These students of an issue attempt to inform themselves and others using by connecting facts from government reports to help people become well informed about the facts.
The use of these facts through the Internet is driving President Obama and his administration crazy. The administration is having trouble controlling the message.
President Obama is trying to control the media in many subtle ways
The New York Times, on Thursday December 9th, published a stunning example of disinformation.
I signed up for the New York Times Daily Briefing to stay “well informed” on multiple current events according to the New York Times.
The Thursday December 10th headline was:
NYTimes: Your Thursday Briefing: Donald Trump, San Bernardino, ‘Serial’ Podcast
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Here is one of the topics covered in the daily
- Health insurance deadline nears.
One million new customers have signed up for health insurance during the Affordable Care Act’s third open-enrollment season. The deadline for coverage beginning Jan. 1 is Tuesday.
At the same time, a little-noticed provision that Senator Marco Rubio slipped into a giant spending law is quietly undermining the health care law.
It is impressive that “One million new customers have signed up for health insurance during the Affordable Care Act’s third open-enrollment season. The deadline for coverage beginning Jan. 1 is Tuesday.”
Confirmed 2016 Exchange QHPs: 3,260,356 as of 12/09/15 Estimated 2016 Exchange QHPs: 4.73M as of 12/09/15 (3.60M via HCgov)
Projected Exchange QHPs: 5.76M by 12/12/15 (4.34M via HC.Gov)
Projected #OE3 QHP Selections: 14.70M nationally (11.23M via
Projected #OE3 QHP Selections by State
The problem is that maybe 9 million signed up last year.
Where are last year’s enrollees with 3 weeks to go in until January 1, 2016? Christmas to New Years consumes one week of enrollment. Holiday shopping will consumer the other two weeks.
Why did the government reduce the expected enrollment to 5 million when enrollment was 9 million last year?
Does the Obama administration expect 4 million people to drop out of Obamacare because it is too expensive?
Why did the Obama administration’s information given to the CBO caused the CBO to predict an enrollment of 21 million enrollees for 2016?
The New York Times Daily Briefing suggests to the well- informed reader that 1 million new enrollees is a good number.
What happened to the old enrollees?
The 1 million new enrollees is being used as further evidence that Paul Krugman is correct when he declares that Obamacare is working.
In actual fact 1 million new enrollees out of the 3.6 million confirmed enrollees is a terrible number. It tells us that only 2.6 old enrollees renewed their coverage.
The New York Times bias is subtle but real.
The second part of the Daily Briefing is even more revealing of the New York Times bias.
At the same time, a little-noticed provision that Senator Marco Rubio slipped into a giant spending law is quietly undermining the health care law.
We do not know how much Obamacare is costing the taxpayers in direct costs. The average American is feeling the cost in higher deductibles and insurance premiums with less coverage.
No one is considering the direct costs of the hidden tax increases written into Obamacare. Obamacare’s hidden taxes increased everyone tax bill 10% both directly and indirectly.
It is not the Republicans’ fault that this is happening. President Obama’s administration has not told the American people what the direct cost to the government is with all the inefficiency that has been built into the system.
Some have estimated that the start up costs are over 1 trillion dollars.
President Obama has been spending money on Obamacare like a drunken sailor. Marco Rubio put a cap on that spending. President Obama signed the cap into law.
The spending cap has resulted in an underpayment of 88% of the reinsurance bill due to the healthcare insurance industry.
The reinsurance bailout program should have never happened. It was an anticipated bailout of the healthcare insurance industry’s loss due to participating in the defective provisions in Obamacare.
The New York Times’ Daily Briefing suggests that Senator Rubio is undermining Obamacare by trying to slow down spending and decrease losses.
At the same time, a little-noticed provision that Senator Marco Rubio slipped into a giant spending law is quietly undermining the health care law.
This is a typical Saul Alinsky tactic. The tactic of blaming the next guy is a tactic used daily by the Obama administration.
I feel sorry for the country, and my well-informed liberal, progressive and sophisticated friends who are being influenced by this misinformation.
The weird thing is they believe their opinion is absolutely correct. I say they should start reading the New York Times carefully to see the subtle way the Obama administration feeds and molds our opinions and hides the truth.
The opinions expressed in the blog “Repairing The Healthcare System” are, mine and mine alone.
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