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It looks like hospitals are marginalizing physicians. Cardiology practices are now mostly hospital owned. Hospitals are buying medical practices regularly. EMRs are being selected by hospitals, not physicians. The ownership of the EMR establishes the branding of the practice and creates defacto referral systems among specialities that share the EMR. We physicians are letting this happen. My colleagues tell me I'll just have to get used to the EMR cause that's the way it's going. It so frustrates me to see hospitals choose winners and losers in referral patterns. It will become nearly impossible to form new medical groups when all groups essentially have become parts of multispeciality groups. Competing single specilaity groups, which is the basis for the quality drive in medicine today, will disappear, and the satisfaction of hospital administrators will determine if a group is viewed favorably. Of course, that means that groups that refer most to the hospital will be the most rewarded. Surgicenters will be hit, hospital outpatient care will cost more, less patients will be served, doctors will be less efficient, and patients will have to wait.

This is really a well laid out website. I like how you have presented the information in full detail. Keep up the great work and please stop by my site sometime. The url is http://healthy-nutrition-facts.blogspot.com


Always look forward to your blog.

It amazes me how and why the public/patient would not want to be the center of their personal healthcare. A person's greatest wealth is their health. If the patient does not begin taking control and being more responsible about their own health and disease state, no government plan, healthcare plan or provider can ever be successful, especially in today's times.

There is no bail-out for irresponsibility when it comes to your health.

The choir talking to the preacher here.

Have a great day.

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