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Right on. Thanks for the well thought out post.

Coming up with a good healthcare system is not brain surgery. For starters, we could just copy Singapore's system exactly ( http://econlog.econlib.org/archives/2008/01/singapores_heal.html ) They have a longer life expectancy at 1/3 the per person cost.

The real question is not how to fix healthcare. The real question is to figure out why our political systems gives us systematically poor results, and then fix the political system.

Found your blog through Brad's blog. Thank you for writing. Wonder why more of your colleagues are not more vocal.

Here is a blog (http://runningahospital.blogspot.com/) you may want to take a look at... and may be start a conversation with the author (Paul Levy, President and CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston)... through comments on each other's blogs.

Re The John McCain No Health Plan
I agree with your comment on expediency.
1. Any plan that will be enacted, if in fact one actually does get enacted, must come after many difficult and complicated steps.
2. Any voter who decides on who they should elect as president based on a sound-bite healthcare plan is only deluding themselves.
3. Any plan that is crafted in the backrooms where the public has been excluded from discussions this time as it was in the Hillary Clinton effort fifteen years ago the proposed solution will once again be DOA.
4. All the candidates are guilty of pandering as they put forth proposals. Face it, nothing can or should happen for something of this magnitude until it has been vetted in the Congress and debated in the public forums.
5. Dr Feld correctly states that the healh insurers set the premium rates but he fails to state that the health providers set the healthcare charges which dictate the rates that must be charged.
6. To the above one could add that individuals themselves have the biggest impact on medical care costs by elective lifestyle choices.
7. There is plenty of pain to go around, the healtcare industry, the insurers, and individuals. It will require purpose and sacrfice on all to solve this monster problem, politicians sound bites notwithstanding.

Excellent article. BTW its Barack Obama

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