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Good post, but have you thought about Who Are The Real Bad Guys before?

What a great site. It is nice to read from a expert in the field.

A simple solution to end this health insurance abuse is have the states regulate the health insurance industry just like a public utility is regulated.

This will rein in the obscene profits made by the insurance industry taking advantage of the vulnerability of sick Americans.

How does one deal with an eight hundred pound Gorilla that misbehaves and denies coverage for your medical bills?

Patsy Bates found out when a California court awarded her 9 million dollars for damages.

Her insurance carrier, Health Net cancelled coverage when she needed breast cancer treatment.

Her lawyer, William Shernoff, not only read the book, he wrote the book: "Fight Back and Win: How to Get HMOs and Health Insurance to Pay Up".

Bravo for LA City Attorney Delgadillo and New York City Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for going after the health insurance industry for fraudulent practices such as cancellation for pre-existing conditions and underpayment for out-of-network doctor bills.

To read more:


Making Your Health Insurance Company Pay Up by Jeffrey Dach MD

Jeffrey Dach MD

Here's a thought. If we implemented a universal single payer health care plan , then the health insurance industry would go out of business overnight and many would be unemployed - but - they would have health care and that is more than they have ever done for us.

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