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For another look at value-driven health care, look at what Regence is doing. They are the largest insurance company in the Pacific Northwest They're also nonprofit.

They just launched a site on value-driven care, trying to engage their members and others in a discussion. If you're following what insurers are doing, it's worth a look -- http://www.reinventhealthcare.com

I agree with the concept, especially that stressing the importance of a value-driven system. My ideas of improved efficiency and improved outcomes depend on the following;
Encourage development of critical pathways and practice guidellines
Remove incentives for performing medically unnecessary procedures and diagnostics
Encourage and insist on strict protocols for managing Diabetes and other Chronic Diseases
Further eliminate provider incentives by denying reimbursement for procedures and diagnostics performed in physician-provider owned facilities
Increase reimbursement to primary care providers for efficient patient care management

At some point in time we must accept the fact that more is not necessarily better.


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