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I'm from Washington Heights. Our family was divided; my brother and dad were Giants fans but I lived and died (and still do) with the Yankees. 47 was a great year. They used to win their games at 5PM, often with old reliable #15 leading the way (Tommy Henrichs).

By the way, thanks for bringing the shuttle back. However, you have the transit lines reversed. The Jerome Avenue line (which wasn't numbered back then) and the shuttle were IRT, and the B train was the BB and IND. On the IND, you could take the CC or the D to the Stadium, and the AA or BB to the Polo Grounds.

I think you also have the physician-patient bit wrong, too. When the physician was the father figure, he could - mostly figuratively - get away with murder.

I was fortunate enough to have similar experiences in the summer. Baseball all day, everyday. Rode my bike everywhere. The sad thing is my kids will never experience this kind of freedom due to the danger that exists in society today. I guess that is the price we pay here in America.

Great story. It is unfortunate that today's youth, especially in larger cities, isn't experiencing this. Community and team sport among friends, especially in the summers, certainly defined my youth.

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