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Healthcare pricing reform is a need for this matter. There should be specific hospital pricing transparency to avoid chaos between the clienteles and the management of the hospital.

You are dead on!! I have been screaming this message for the last four years. One need only to read the books, THE FAIR TAX BOOK and REDEFINING HEALTH CARE which helps us couple the connection between income taxation (which includes Medicaid and Medicare--i.e. DRG system) and health insurance (we cannot afford) and contrast that to the TRUE COST of health care (which we can afford)vs payroll deductions plus the embedded costs of health insurance and income taxation (found withint the RETAIL PRICE of everything we buy)you begin to recognize the tremendous damage being done to this nation's economy (GM and Ford closures, Airlines, Food Cost escalation etc) because we are paying a price with our souls to live in the name of health care. However, there is another model of that we can look at that delivers a fantastic priceless product but at a price we all can afford... WATER. If we can afford clean water then why can we not afford a doctor/hospital... because hospitals are being run by people who have little or no regard for the damage they are doing to our national economy by pricing health care as if it were a luxury car instead as a life or death necessity.

You are dead on!! I have been screaming this message for the last four years. One need only to read the books, THE FAIR TAX BOOK and REDEFINING HEALTH CARE which helps us couple the connection between income taxation (which includes Medicaid and Medicare--i.e. DRG system) and health insurance (we cannot afford) and contrast that to the TRUE COST of health care (which we can afford)vs payroll deductions plus the embedded costs of health insurance and income taxation (found withint the RETAIL PRICE of everything we buy)you begin to recognize the tremendous damage being done to this nation's economy (GM and Ford closures, Airlines, Food Cost escalation etc) because we are paying a price with our souls to live in the name of health care. However, there is another model of that we can look at that delivers a fantastic priceless product but at a price we all can afford... WATER. If we can afford clean water then why can we not afford a doctor/hospital... because hospitals are being run by people who have little or no regard for the damage they are doing to our national economy by pricing health care as if it were a luxury car instead as a life or death necessity.

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