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Once everyone has learned to use the programs effectively it won't be hard to putt that data up. Efficiency improvements will be drastic and savings deep.

A web based EMR system has its merits and demrits while it certainly costs less to use and initial hardware costs are much less, You don't have control over your data. The other immediate corncern would be the time taken for acessing the system which is certainly much more that a normal client/server based system would take.

Our company www.binaryspectrum.com has many years of experience in EMR development and curently make both versions.

It was also heartening to read your views on patient empowerment as we have also been developing web based portals that allow patients to access their medical records, interact with doctors via chat and schedule apoinments with their doctors.

Many years ago I read a book called "Leonardo's Laptop" that had some great perspective on EMR and the greater good. We have a long way to go.

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