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An EMR can greatly improve quality of care by keeping patient records up-to-date and easily accessible. Clinicians can access patient records from various locations, and it is easier to update them electronically than to maintain lengthy paper trails.

Personal health records contains many different types of information that is directly related to the doctor visits you have had, the diagnosis that you have received, the medications that you have been issued and many other types of information. EMR's have become very popular nowadays.

PMR's and EMR's are a great idea and the need of the hour is to to spread the word!

In the medical field, EMR's and PMR's are vital in the forthcomming of better treating patients under any circumstances. Be it a natrual disaster, like Katrina, or another terrorist attack, or even if your just going out of the country or to a place you are unfamiliar with, these portable medical records will aid in the treatment of patients. Although there is much discussion over what is invading our privacy and what isn't, either way these devices serve an invaluable service; they will save our lives! We need to take these items from being a novelty item to becomming a necessity, something that everyone of us have. Even in my young age, I am 23, many of my friends would truly like to have one of these devices and I also have a few testimonials of friends of which this type of device would have greatly helped them. Again, PMR's and EMR's are a great idea and we need to spread the word!

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