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Good luck ,Great post,love you!Thanks for the info it had cleared out too many things in my mind. Your recommendations are really good.

Dr Feld --

Your blog is most interesting and informative. I had the good fortune to meet your son Brad last week and we touched on your Posse and its similarities to something Jean-Francois Rischard suggested in his book "High Noon: 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them". He proposed Global Issues Networks around each of the problems, to be comprised of concerned citizens, government officials, and experts. Your Posse already benefits from two of these groups; adding Kinky and other public officials will no doubt help. I'm happy to join the New Mexico contingent anytime!

Dear Clairborne

Attached is an official Repairing the Healthcare System Stanley Feld Posse Membership Card. Brad sent me a copy of Rischard’s book 2 weeks ago. I am in the middle of it and plan to model the approach around some of Rischard’s thoughts.

Someone has to do it. It is not going to be the policy makers or critics. Everyone writes about the problem. No one does anything because they know without doing multiple corrections at once the system we become more distorted. The only way to reach the tipping point of constructive change is through People Power, in my view

You can help by getting all of your friends and colleagues to subscribe to the blog. They need to get engaged in first understanding the mistrust that has develop by all the stakeholders. They, then have to participate in being part of the solution. Actually, they must be the driving force in the solution. Let us put together a New Mexican team.

Thanks for the comment

Stanley Feld M.D.,FACP,MACE

Repairing the Healthcare System


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